Michel Bouzereau Meursault "Les Tessons" 2020
在19世紀曾被分級為一級園的 Les Tessons ,至今在 Michel Bouzereau 還是受到如一級園般的待遇,其釀造方式與酒莊的其他一級園相同,陳年時間較長,根本是集萬千寵愛於一身的珍藏酒款。
Michel Bouzereau Meursault "Les Tessons" .2018 雖然年輕,到底仲有豐富的酒體,昨日12號1pm開,一陣清風飄過,帶有新鮮的黃檸檬、黃桃、打火石、銳利的酸度和礦物感,飲到8pm得返半支塞返。今日13號3pm再試,恍如陳年多2年,出左2nd Aroma 的奶油、Creamy和桶香,酒體圓潤滲出陣陣礦物味,凹凸有致,非常工整。有機會大家可以試下老幾年的酒,會更加多肉質感。
92 pts Allen Meadows, Burghound:
A cool, pure and elegant nose combines notes of the essence of pear, lemon-lime and plenty of floral elements. The beautifully textured and vibrant middle weight flavors possess the natural refinement of a fine Tessons while delivering excellent persistence on the complex, balanced and classy finale. Lovely stuff and particularly so for a villages-level wine.
92 pts Neal Martin, Vinous:
The 2020 Meursault Les Tessons has a more complex bouquet than the Les Grands Charrons, honeysuckle and touches of peach skin, just a hint of menthol in the background. The palate is well balanced with a slightly honeyed texture on the entry, well judged acidity, good substance for a Village Cru with veins of stem ginger and lemongrass furnishing the finish. Delightful.
Drink 2024-2035
Michel Bouzereau 的莊主 Jean-Baptiste 四季都在葡萄園中觀察果實的成長!篤信精準的採收時間,能帶給葡萄最優秀的成熟度!他的哲學是,努力耕作,在最適當的時間採收、最少的干預,讓葡萄自然發展成最能代表地塊的佳釀!他常常說:一款 Meursault 就該展現 Meursault 的深度與質量!透過20年來的觀察與酒窖中試驗,Jean-Baptiste 的酒款純淨又飽滿,表現精準的地塊特色!
Bouzereau 為 Meursault 村莊內歷史悠久的酒農世家。第七代的 Jean-Baptiste 跟隨爸爸 Michel 十年時間,學習種植與釀造。於1999年接手,共12.7公頃的葡萄園,其中11公頃的白葡萄園,大部分位於 Meursault,包含最優秀的一級園 Perrières、Genevrières!及 Puligny-Montrachet 超級一級園 Cailleret!
Meursault Le Tesson – 1er cru? or close to 1er cru
Le Tesson is according to the old classifications among the best or if not the best of the current Meursault village climates.
The Tesson vineyard is located above the village of Meursault, at approximately the same altitude as the lower part of Perrieres, and above Les Grand-Charrons.
*9 producers on Les Tesson:*
Domaine Roulot
Jean-Philippe Fichet
Pierre Morey
*Michel Bouzereau*
Buisson Charles
Domaine Caillot
Domaine Vincent Sauvestre