Domaine Tawse, Beaune 1er Cru ‘’Clos du Roi‘’ 2019
93 pts Neal Martin:
The 2019 Beaune Clos du Roi 1er Cru I includes 50% whole bunch and 30% new oak. Pascal Marchand said that this is an example of "infusion" winemaking, not seeing many punchdowns during cuvaison. The bouquet is very perfumed; cracked black pepper and tertiary aromas slightly occlude the red berry fruit. The palate is medium-bodied with supple tannins, leading to an elegant, peppery finish. Very much a lighter style from Tawse. I am not sure it has long-term potential but that is a moot point as it is so delicious.
93 pts Jasper Morris MW, Inside Burgundy:
Pascal Marchand takes pains to point out that their holding is not on the same sandy soil as the rest of Clos du Roi. The top part is on the rock and then descends to the sand. Their holding forms a three walled clos, the rows planted north-south. Very prettily perfumed in a dainty style after a pale pink purple colour. This is for those who want a fine-boned pinot. Didn’t think I would ever say that about a Pascal wine!
91 pts Allen Meadows, Burghound :
A more floral-suffused nose offers up aromas of spice, ripe red currant and a hint of wood influence. The nicely elegant and relatively fine middle weight flavors possess a beguiling texture while maintaining good cut on the mildly austere finale
Beaune 是許多布根地酒商的發源地,擁有大量的一級園。Clos du Roi 即是其中的佼佼者,以前為法國國王(Roi)的土地。
"Clos du Roi "是一個佔地13公頃的一級園,位於Beaune北部,毫無疑問是Beaune最好的地塊之一,它為布根地公爵所擁有,並深受法國國王的青睞,經常在凡爾賽宮享用,在15世紀,當布根地最後一位公爵Charles le Téméraire去世後,這塊葡萄園輾轉到了法王路易十一的皇家釀酒師的手中,法王路易十一將它命名為 "國王的地塊"。
Marchand Tawse的靈魂人物Pascal Marchand,是一位加拿大的法國移民,於1983年來到 布根地開始他的葡萄酒之旅,而他的啟蒙老師是已故的布根地釀酒教父Henri Jayer,Pascal Marchand 從他身上得到無數寶貴建議,1987年他開始在Domaine Comte Armand工作,更一手把酒莊的口碑地位升了一級帶往頂尖。
Pascal Marchand早年一直致力研究除草劑和殺菌劑對葡萄樹的影響,他堅持葡萄園只做人手除草,並棄用一切會滲透進樹液內的有害的殺菌劑。自1988年開始用當時還不流行的自然生物動力法管理耕種葡萄園,並在1999年一手把Comte Armand酒莊改造為全Biodynamic耕作的酒莊。
Pascal 離開 Comte Armand之後短暫在 Boisset集團下的 Domaine de la Vougeraie Vougeraie 待了幾年後離開,之後便先創立了自己的 Negociant 事業 --- Pascal Marchand. 2010年,Pascal Marchand的舊識 --- 加拿大銀行家 Moray Tawse,提出投資Pcascal Marchand的想法,兩人一拍即合,從2011年起,成立了現在耳熟能詳的 Marchand Tawse。